Excersising with your
Unborn Baby
In the past decade we hove witnessed a fitness craze that at
times defies common sense. When this extreme in activity transcends into the pregnant
population there is room for some concern.
Moderate daily exercise is an important component of the physical and emotional
well-being of the pregnant woman. However, most of us have been advised by our physicians
or midwives that pregnancy is not the time for competitive or dangerous sports or the
acquisition of new athletic skills. Any activity that may cause potential trauma to the
developing fetus should be approached cautiously Examples are extreme contact sports,
skiing (where a fall is not uncommon) and water-skiing.
But what -about the normal aerobic activity that we have become so
accustomed to in pursuing a healthy lifestyle: running the stairmaster, treadmill, step
aerobics. should we be rethinking our enthusiastic partcipation in some of these areas?
New research is sounding a cautionary note.
Evidence is mounting that too much exercise during pregnancy can be as bad for the baby
as smoking. Exercise addicts deliver more babies with a low birth weight babies than those
who take a more moderate approach. Scientists agree that maternal smoking significantly
reduces a babys birth weight, but until now few experts questioned the value of
exercise, at any level.
What does this mean in practical terms? Pregnancy isa time when its important to
"take care" in many ways. Modern day thought; however, has stressed that
pregnancy and childbirth are normal events in a womans life. For many that
translates into a "no holds holds barred" attitude, reinforced by many
healthcare professionals. Sure, we know that smoking and caffeine are no-nos but
beyond that, "the skys the limit" for some pregnant women. Its time
to rethink our attitudes and practices about activity and exerčise during pregnancy
Current research tells us that safe exercise is a level where one does not develop
sensations of fatigue. If you tire duringa particular activity youve probably
overdone it. If youre out of breath, your baby is also going to
get less oxygen which is thought to be connected to low birth weight. Its also
important to remember that it takes a pregnant woman longer to recover after excersise,
so lying down for atleast a half an hour is going to be good for you and your baby. Your
exercise routine should begin at a gentle pace. Deep breathing and stretching is a great
way to begin allowing the muscles and the baby to receive a good dose of oxygen.
Most experts agree that the best activities during pregnancy are swimming, yoga,
walking and dancing (also known to increase the romance quotient). swiming is particularly
relaxing because ones weight is supported by water,hence the muscles do not become
strained and there is little chance of injury.
Yoga reduces tension and promotes a real sense of well-being.Its experiencing a whole
new resurgence amongst the general population as well as within the childbirth education
community. Many women feel yoga has been of great benefit during labour in helping them to
relax and focus.
With the right footwear nothing is more pleasurable than a long walk, which promotes
circulation, digestion and good sleep. Towards the later months of pregnancy your pelvic
muscles may feel strained. In this case you may want to slow down and embark on shorter
Pregnant women should exercise caution with activities such as sit-ups, jogging, and
weight-bearing sports like backpacking. Sit-ups pull on the abdominal muscles and should
be avoided. Jogging puts undue strain on many parts of your body. If youre an avid
jogger, discuss your proqramme with your health care provider and determine a safe regime.
Weight-bearing activities put additional strain on the back.
Ligaments that are unduly stretched have a tendency to remain stretched. One of the great
benefits of a prenatal fitness programme is that it will connect you with other
expectant moms, giving you a ready-made support network in the postpartum period. You will
also Iikely feel more motivated to undertake a postnatal exercise programme if youve
established this link.
Getting back in shape is a topic in itself. Suffice is to say that you will be well on
your way if you choose to breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding promotes the return of a
woman's body to her non-pregnant state a great incentive !
NOTE: if you have a pre-existing medical condition or complication
during pregnancy you should consult your physician before embarking on excersising
program. |
my child was born, she and I bonded in a big way. Tania was the daughter I'd always dreamt
of - a happy, easy-to-love baby who napped in four - hour blocks. I nursed her for over a
year and she looked to me for all her physical and emotional needs. We were the very
picture of domestic bliss, except for one not - so- minor detail-- my husband. When he was
around which was not often.with his long hours at a new pressure-cooker job, she'd take
one look at his big smile and outstretched arms, her face would crumple, and she'd cling
to me and cry. My husband felt dejected. Ifelt torn. Pleased as I was about the closeness
Tania and I shared, I was frustrated that my husband wasn't getting to know his daughter
and enjoy this magical time in our lives. I also find that Tania could seem like a
pint-size tyrant when Ineede a break. When I was home, she always wanted me and only me.
Six years later, however, Tania and I still have a special bond, but her ability to love
is no longer one directionl. There are times when she'll run right past me to jump into
her dad's arms, and I'm the one who feels slighted."Commented a
"Its normal for kids to prefer one parent over the other at
different stages of their lives",
says a Psychologist and Psychoanalyst.
In fact, who the favourite parent istends to change predictably as a child
grows, depending on her developmental phase, the parent's availabilty, even how her
personality meshes or doesn'-with the parent's. Of course, if one parent is in, the other
must be "out", and no parent likes being second best. Despite the pangs of
rejection and the resentment you may feel toward your spouse, experts say it's
importantant not to take it too personally." these phases tend to
temporary",says the experts. "the best approach is to simply ride it out".
To be continued |